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Message from the president

The most influential organization which unite the Indonesian Diaspora globally

It is an honour for me to be the President of IDN Global for the tenure of 2021-2023.  The coming 2 years will definitely be an exciting journey as I am accompanied by a wonderful team of 22 Executive Board members from all over the world with their great enthusiasm and commitment to bring IDN Global to the next level.

“Connecting the Dots, Expanding the Opportunities” will remain the soul of our activities in the years to come. Three core substances of our activities are (1) the awareness, (2) the engagement, and (3) the empowerment of the Indonesian Diaspora. The Indonesian Diaspora are the human capital and the social capital of the nation whose potentials are now recognized by many parties, including the Government. This awareness, of course, does not come over the night; instead, it was almost a decade of engagement effort from all of us. We have proven that working together and empowering each other are important for us as a community and as a nation. This unity will be more important in the effort to recover from the covid-19 pandemic where many Indonesian Diaspora have been badly impacted while some others have been in the lucky position to be able to help.

IDN Global, as the first and the most influential organization which unite the Indonesian Diaspora globally, will always thrive to voice the aspiration of its constituents and to facilitate all their attempt to contribute to the development of Indonesia. 

Last but certainly not least, IDN Global is open for any opportunity to collaborate with its multi-stakeholders if it goes in line with its vision, mission and ethics. 

Salam Diaspora!

Sulistyawan Wibisono

Presiden IDN Global 2023~2025


Memorable Moment


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