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Welcome to IDN Global, a non-profit organization dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. We are committed to bringing about positive change through our various programs and projects. 


At IDN Global, we are passionate about driving changes through our diverse programs and projects. By collaborating with communities, NGOs and goverment, we aim to make a lasting impact on Indonesia's development such as economy, education, art & culture and Indonesian Diaspora policies. Our work spans across different continents, allowing us to address various challenges and opportunities. 

Indonesian Migrant Workers

Through skills development and remittances, Indonesian migrant workers contribute significantly to the sustainable development of Indonesia. Realizing the important roles of Indonesian Migrant Workers, we hold various activities such as training for caregivers, English Class training for PMI, as well as webinars to provide education on finance and health.

Working Group
Diaspora Bangun Desa

To encourage underdeveloped villages in Indonesia to become digital villages, IDN Global collaborates with OpenDesa to utilize information technology in the villages through the OpenSID application.


Working Group Education

After holding “Deklarasi Menduniakan Bahasa Indonesia” which was read at the 7th Indonesian Diaspora Congress in August 2023, IDN Global continues to strive to promote Bahasa Indonesia language abroad. Through WG Education, IDN Global also teaches English Classes to the young generations for global competition.

Working Group
Imigrasi &

IDN Global is committed to voicing the aspirations of the Indonesian Diaspora regarding immigration and citizenship, especially to advocate dual citizenship. Indonesia does not recognise dual citizenship for adults, as a child with two passports must choose one and renounce another citizenship.

Working Group

Indonesian exports through SME (Small & Medium Enterprises) products need to be increased to contribute to the Indonesian economy. In collaboration with Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), IDN Global holds regular workshops for SME's business sectors.

Working Group

In promoting Indonesian culinary throughout the world, IDN Global through WG Culinary in collaboration with 

Indonesian government to promotes Spice Up The World (ISUTW) program by encouraging exports of Indonesian spices and holding culinary events abroad.

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